Front Covers
Front Cover | Terre Sauvage Magazine | Nov 2024
Front Cover Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 38
Front Cover Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 36
Front Cover Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 34
Front Cover Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 27
Front Cover Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 22
Front Cover (alternate) Oceanographic Magazine | Issue 27
Front Cover | Underwater Photographer of the Year 2022 Yearbook
Front Cover Underwater Photographer of the Year - Yearbook 2019
Front Cover EZ Dive Magazine - Issue 89
Book Front Cover - Prejudice by Endre Begby (Oxford University Press)
Front Cover In Focus (British Society of Underwater Photographers) - Winter 2020
Front Cover Perfect Diver magazine - Issue 12
Front Cover Blue Marine - 2020 Review
Front Cover Classic Imaging - July 2019
Front Cover DIVER magazine - May 2020
Front Cover DIVER magazine - February 2021
Front Cover DIVER magazine - November 2020
Front Cover DIVER magazine - May 2019
Front Cover DIVER magazine - April 2019
Front Cover DIVER magazine - February 2019
Front Cover DIVER magazine - September 2018
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - July 2018
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - May 2018
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - November 2017
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - September 2017
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - June 2017
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - November 2016
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - April 2017
Front Cover DIVER Magazine - March 2017
Front Cover Tropical Traveller - Jan/Feb 2015
Honourable Mention in Memorial Maria Luisa, Submerged World category.
Runner-up in Underwater Photographer of the Year, Save our Seas Marine Conservation category.
Commended in Underwater Photographer of the Year, Save Our Seas Marine Conservation category.
Highly Commended in Underwater Photographer of the Year, Behaviour category.
Winner of Fine Art Photographer of the Year, in the Ocean Photographer of the Year.
Highly Commended in the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Underwater World category.
Finalist in Ocean Photographer of the Year, Fine Art category.
Finalist in Ocean Photographer of the Year, Conservation (Hope) category.
Highly Commended in Bird Photographer of the Year, Behaviour category.
Highly Commended in Memorial Maria Luisa, World of Birds category.
Highly Commended in Memorial Maria Luisa, Submerged World category.
Highly Commended in British Wildlife Photography Awards, Black & White category.
Highly Commended in Underwater Photographer of the Year, British Waters Wide Angle category
Commended in Underwater Photographer of the Year, British Waters Macro category.
Finalist in Close-up Photographer of the Year, Underwater category.
Champion in China Wildlife Image & Video Competition, Birds category.
Highly Commended in Nature Photographer of the Year, portrait category.
Highly Commended in GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Nature’s Studio category.
Silver in Bird Photographer of the Year, Behaviour category.
Highly Commended in Bird Photographer of the Year, Conservation category.
3rd Place in Ocean Photography Awards, Fine Art Photographer the Year category.
Finalist in Ocean Photography Awards, Wildlife Photographer the Year category.
Finalist in Ocean Photography Awards, Conservation (Hope) Photographer the Year category.
Winner in British Wildlife Photography Awards, Coast & Marine category.
Highly Commended in British Wildlife Photography Awards, Coast & Marine category.
Highly Commended in British Wildlife Photography Awards, Animal Portraits category.
Third place in Underwater Photographer of the Year, ‘British Waters Living Together’ category.
Gold winner in Bird Photographer of the Year, Black and White category.
Silver winner in Bird Photographer of the Year, Bird Behaviour category.
Grand Prize Winner of HIPA Nature season.
Honourable Mention in Siena International Photography Awards, Animals in their Environment category.
Remarkable Artwork in Siena International Photography Awards, Underwater Life category.
Festisub 2nd place in Duo Mer category.
Winner of Underwater Photographer of the Year, British Waters Wide Angle category.
3rd place Underwater Photographer of the Year, British Waters Wide Angle category.
Highly Commended in GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year ‘Underwater World’ category.
Honourable Mention in the Siena International Photography Awards ‘Beauty in Nature’ category.
Highly Commended in the ‘Wetlands - the Bigger Picture’ category at the Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year.
Runner-Up Ocean Photography Awards Ocean Photographer of the Year.
Two images Highly Commended Ocean Photography Awards Conservation category.
3rd place in United Nation World Oceans Day photo competition ‘The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods’ category.
Highly Commended in Memorial Maria Luisa Edition 31 ‘Submerged World’ category.
Highly Commended in Memorial Maria Luisa Edition 31 ‘Adventure and Extreme Sports’ category.
Winner of Nature Photographer of the Year Black & White category
2nd place Golden Turtle Awards ‘Magic of Plants’ category.
2nd place in the Ocean Photography Awards Collective Portfolio category.
Highly commended in the Ocean Photography Awards Ocean Exploration Photographer of the Year category.
Two images Highly Commended Ocean Photography Awards Ocean Conservation Photographer of the Year category.
Highly Commended in GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year Nature’s Studio category
Highly Commended at the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year Underwater World category.
‘Remarkable Artwork’ at the Siena International Photo Awards Animals in their Environment category.
2nd place in the British Society of Underwater Photographer’s ‘Underwater Excellence’.
Highly Commended in Big Picture Natural World Photography, ‘Landscapes, Waterscapes, and Flora’ category.
Winner Festisub Festival de L’Image Sous-Marine de Neuchâtel, Duo Mer category.
Highly Commended in Memorial Maria Luisa 30th edition, Submerged World category.
Runner-Up in the Underwater Photographer of the Year, Black and White category.
Highly Commended in the Underwater Photographer of the Year, Black and White category.
Highly Commended in the Underwater Photographer of the Year, Behaviour category.
Commended in the Underwater Photographer of the Year, British Waters Wide Angle category.
Runner Up in the British Photography Awards, ‘Macro’ category.
Winner of the Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year ‘Portfolio - David Doubilet Award for Outstanding Achievement’.
Winner United Nations World Oceans Day photo contest ‘Gender & Oceans’ category.
2nd place Asia Pacific UW Photo Challenge ‘Wide Angle’ category.
Gold DEEP Indonesia photo contest ‘Divers’ category.
Silver DEEP Indonesia photo contest ‘Animal Behaviour’ category.
Bronze in the ‘Animal Portrait’ category of the DEEP Indonesia photo contest.
Gold Medal Annual Contest ‘Wide Angle - Natural Light’ category.
Silver medal Annual Contest ‘Wide Angle - Natural Light’ category.
1st place Festisub Festival de L’Image Sous-Marine de Neuchâtel, category ‘Duo mer’.
Winner Underwater Photographer of the Year in 'Black and White’ category.
Third place in ‘Macro’ category Underwater Photographer of the Year ‘Macro’ category.
Commended Underwater Photographer of the Year ‘British Waters - Macro’ category.
Gold Medal Our World Underwater contest ‘Black and White’ category.
Silver Medal Our World Underwater contest ‘Macro - Unrestricted’ category.
Silver Medal Our World Underwater contest ‘Macro - Traditional’ category.
Runner Up in the British Photography Awards, ‘Water Life’ category.
Winner of the British Society of Underwater Photographer’s ‘Sharks’ contest.
Honourable Mention in the Ocean Art contest ‘Coldwater’ category.
Commended in the British Society of Underwater Photographer’s ‘Anything Goes’.
3rd place in the Anilao Underwater Shootout ‘Open - Macro’ category.
Runner-up in the British Society of Underwater Photographer’s ‘Best of British’ contest.
Runner-up in the British and Irish Underwater Photography Championship Close-Up category.
Highly Commended in the British and Irish Underwater Photography Championship Close-Up category.
2nd place in the British Society of Underwater Photographer’s ‘Underwater Excellence’.
Highly Honoured in Nature's Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards Oceans category.
Winner of the macro category Think Pink photo competition macro category.
3rd place in the British Society of Underwater Photographer's 'Bokeh'.
3rd place in the macro category of the BSAC Torbay Splash-in macro category.
Bronze Medal in the Macro Close-Up category of's Annual Awards Macro Close-Up category.
Highly Commended in the Submerged World category of the Memorial Maria Luisa photo contest in the Submerged World category.
Featured as the Picture of the Week in The Sunday Times
Winner of the British Waters Macro category in the Underwater Photographer of the Year British Waters Macro category.
3rd Place in the Macro category of the Asia Pacific UW Photo Challenge.
Five images shortlisted and two finalists in Outdoor Photographer of the Year.
Winner Royal Photographic Society monthly competition theme 'History'.
Winner BSoUP/DIVER annual print competition Advanced British & Irish category public vote.
Highly Commended BSoUP/DIVER annual print competition.
4th place British Society of Underwater Photographer’s 'Underwater Excellence'
Opera Segnalata - Highlight in the Oasis Photo Contest People category.
Nominee in the Fine Art Photography Awards Wildlife/Animals .
Honourable Mention Ocean Geographic's Pictures of the Year Fish Behaviour Category.
4th Place in the Scubashooters' Deep Visions contest Wreck category .
4th Place in British Society of Underwater Photographers Theme Portfolio.
Commended in the Sony World Photography Awards Open Wildlife category.
Commended in the Sony World Photography Awards Open Nature category.
Honourable Mention in Ocean Art contest Marine Life Behaviour Category.
Runner-up Annual Awards ‘Macro - Not Swimming’ category.
Bronze medal Annual Awards 'Divers' category.
5th place in Ocean Art contest 'Mirrorless Behaviour' category.